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structures:matrix:linear [2025/03/01 14:02]
structures:matrix:linear [2025/03/03 11:16] (current)
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 We can use [[discussion#​matrix]] algebra and notation to work with transformations including linear and affine ones. We can use [[discussion#​matrix]] algebra and notation to work with transformations including linear and affine ones.
 +===linear transformations with matrices===
 +Now consider [[applications#​square matrices]]. For matrix multiplication with `n`-dimenional square matrices we have an //​Identity//,​ the //Unit// for multiplication,​ like `1` in the scalars,
 +}\right]\ \text{ because }\ IA=AI=A=1A.%%\]
 +Consider: `  X=xI=[ [x,0],[0,x] ],`  2\({\times}\)2 matrix `A` and the 2D vector where `V` is \(\bf v\) written as single column matrix. \(\ xA=XA=AX\ \) and \(x\bf v\) corresponds to \(XV\).
 +`X` is the simple linear transformation in 2D geometric space of scaling by `x` around the origin. In 2D vector space it is stretching the vectors by `x`, identical to scalar multiplication. Multiplying another 2\({\times}\)2 matrix results in composing the transformations into a single transformation,​ in the case of `X` it is the same as scalar multiplication by `x`.
 +Within a **[[#​space]]**,​ given a **[[#​basis]]**,​ each **[[linear#​linear map|linear transformation]]** can be represented by a square matrix and every appropriately sized matrix is a linear transformation. Transformations can be thought of as mappings, or as **[[#​functions]]**. Matrices can represent these very usefully. In two dimensional space here are some examples:
 +\(\left[\matrix{3 & 0 \cr 0 & 3 }\right],​\quad\) Scale by 3 around origin\\ \\
 +\(\left[\matrix{0 & -1 \cr 1 & 0 }\right],​\quad\) Rotate right angle anticlockwise around origin\\ \\
 +\(\left[\matrix{1 & 0 \cr 0 & -1 }\right],​\quad\) Reflect on horizontal axis (negate vertical axis)\\ \\
 +\(\left[\matrix{-1 & 0 \cr 0 & -1 }\right],​\quad\) Rotate half circle around origin (reflect vert then horiz)\\ \\
 +\(\left[\matrix{0 & 0 \cr 0 & 1 }\right],​\quad\) Projection onto vertical axis (zero the horiz component)\\ \\
 +\(\left[\matrix{1 & \frac12 \cr 0 & 1 }\right],​\quad\) Horizontal shear (add half vert component to horiz one)\\ \\
 +\(\left[\matrix{3 & 0 \cr 0 & \frac12 }\right],​\quad\) Squeeze (asymetrically)\\ \\
 +\(\left[\matrix{\cos2\theta & \sin2\theta \cr \sin2\theta & -\cos2\theta}\right],​\quad\) Reflection across line through origin, angle `theta` to horizontal
 +Continued [[discussion#​complex-as-matrix|in the main discussion]].
structures/matrix/linear.1740798122.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2025/03/01 14:02 by simon